It was great to see so many of you at the 40th Anniversary celebration! What a wonderful reminder of the extraordinary experiences and relationships we all develop through The Leadership.
This note is about the importance of your continued support through donations and alumni dues. Did you know that The Leadership’s earned revenue does not fully cover all of its expenses? Or that many excellent leaders would not be able to participate in the program without scholarship assistance? That’s why we need your help. This year, we want to make it easy for you to add or renew your alumni dues. Of course you can make a single payment of $240, but you can also choose to make a payment of $40 (in honor of our 40th Giving Campaign) every month for six-months, starting in July. Easy as can be. Just scan the QR code to get started!
The Leadership has exciting plans for 2024 including another celebration event and other new alumni opportunities—all of which you will be hearing about soon. But right now, please take a moment to renew or start your support of The Leadership through alumni dues.
Thank you in advance for paying it forward.

Jeannie Howe, Class of 2016
Alumni Engagement Chair