What is the application process?

To be considered for admission into the program, applicants must complete all four of the following tasks.

  • Completion of the online application form (includes attaching a current photo and resume)
  • Submission of an Employer Sponsorship form
  • Participation in a 60-minute interview with members of the Selection Committee
  • Review of the Full-Day Calendar and commitment to the required sessions and overall attendance policy
What is the program schedule and time commitment?

The typical program begins in late January and runs through early November. There are 10 full-day sessions (approximately one per month) and 2 two-day mandatory retreats. The 2025 Program Calendar with specific dates can be found HERE.

In addition, there are 8-10 field experiences scheduled throughout the year, with multiple dates to choose from. These are 2/3-hour excursions to various civically significant organizations. Class members are encouraged to attend as many field experiences as they can, but none are mandatory.

There are also 3-4 Evenings with the Arts (single events) for class members and a guest to visit one of Baltimore’s cultural institutions. Class members may also be invited to exclusive alumni programming and other unique, ad-hoc events, but are not required to attend. Beyond that, class members are asked to meet 3 times within smaller cohorts – Peer Groups – which they schedule on their own.

Click here for more information about Program Design.

How large is each class?

As interest in the program as grown over the years, so have class sizes. There is no fixed number for a class. In recent years, we have fluctuated between 56 and 62 class members.

How much does the program cost?

Tuition for the 2025 program is $11,500.

The Leadership is committed to ensuring that tuition cost does not serve as an obstacle for selected applicants to participate in the program. Tuition assistance is available to applicants and sponsoring organizations for whom the burden of tuition would preclude participation.

Is tuition assistance available?

Tuition assistance is available to applicants and sponsoring organizations for whom the burden of tuition would prevent participation. The application process itself is need-blind. We also offer the option to pay tuition in installments over the course of program.  The Leadership is committed to ensuring that tuition cost does not serve as an obstacle for selected applicants to participate in the program.

Do I have to be nominated to apply?

No. While our alumni network often refers and helps to recruit candidates, you do not need to know an alumna/us or be formally nominated in order to apply.

Do I have to be at a certain level within my organization in order to apply?

One of the core tenants of the program is the belief that leadership is an activity, not a position–meaning that anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere. While we look for applicants that have shown signs of leadership in their professional organization(s) and/or in their civic engagement experiences, we do not require that applicants be of a certain level in the workplace hierarchy in order to apply.

Do I have to live in Baltimore City to apply?

No. The Leadership is focused on the Greater Baltimore region, so while many participants live and/or work in the city, others may live and/or work in surrounding counties. All are united in their belief that Baltimore, as Maryland’s largest city, has great economic and cultural value that extends to the entire region.